Good morning. Welcome back. It's Todd from toddYoungONLINE. Another flipThrough. I've got a nice little, DIY book that I made. I bought a ream of paper at one point, and, got into bookbinding and found an easy way.
Easy. Is that the right word?
I found a way to do a quick little book. So, tried creating my own.
I thought, hey, I'm good. I've got all this paper and I'm going to do something with it. And, years later, I still have a bunch of that paper left I still need to dig into it.
But, I got into it, and this is just regular drawing paper and exploring with Sharpies that bled right through.
I always like to use both sides of my paper and it killed me the markers bled. Here I was kind of exploring minimalism. Being deliberate with the lines and marks. I've got some drawing ideas here I need to actually get back to but, the Sharpie chisel tips let me create kind of a different effect.
Kind of worked, kind of didn't.
There are a couple of examples here where it worked at a larger size, but when things got a little bit smaller the thicker tip didn't quite work as well. But it's just a nice exploration with paneling off the page, creating some elements, repetition. Working at, exploring different ideas I had and filling up the book.
The cover is a little ninja character I created against venetian blinds. I thought it was an interesting contrast. I've got my blue line stuff here. Working directly with markers, Sharpies, some color, some simple ideas. Trying to be kind of deliberate with the shapes and lines I created, and trying to kind of be a little bit minimal with the characters I was creating.
To various effects, some things come out better, some things come out worse, but you at least have a place to start. I'm kind of watching this flip through while we do this... a picture of my my wife.
Hey, I've got a lot of pictures, using reference of of her, that I've done in a lot of my sketchbooks.
Complicated things. Simple things.
Things inspired by, like, The Scream.
Playing with typography.
Abercrombie and Fitch! The first meeting. I don't know, it's just abject silliness. Sometimes it's all you can do.
Just put your instrument on the paper and make some marks and see what. See what becomes of it.
This one's a relatively short one.
Here, we have an eye and bird and it some kind of thing that I completely forgot what I was with the meaning is. I fly or I sparrow or something. I have no idea anymore. Yeah. Just creating a simple element. And then repeating it is kind of an interesting design element,
I like typography. I love creating letterforms, and I'm just not great at it. I need more practice. That's all I can say.
Some older figure stuff. Used this picture somewhere else. I don't remember where, one of my other sketchbooks. And then a panda, a simple panda using the the chisel tip.
To make that those interesting lines and like, on the cover, here's the ninja in front of the blinds. I don't know why it makes me laugh.
Playing with color.
You know, when you get color right. It's just a wonderful thing.
Drawing a fish with some stuff.
Playing with some other colors.
I hate to say 'it is what it is', but it's an exploration of the present.
Another picture of my wife.
They're not all great, but they're interesting. It was an interesting project.
Anyway. Thank you.
This was a short one. I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you next time.
Have a great day. Bye.
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